Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bangkok Jungle

It's hard to believe,but a 25 second ride in a long boat across the Chayo Prayo river lands you in a world so far removed from Bangkok you can forget where you are. There is literally a jungle on each side of the narrow road only wide enough for a bicylce or footpath with homes growing out of the foliage.

I had previously read about this area called Bang Ka Jao in one of the guidebooks and I had intended to take this bicylce tour many times but never seemed to get around to it. Yesterday, a number of teachers rented bikes and told me how to get there from the school, and it only seemed to take them 15 minutes , so Josh and I dutifully rented bikes today and off we went. Admittedly, it did take longer than 15 minutes by the time we found the little pier where we literally walked through a hole in the fence to rent the skiff but it was well worth it.

On the one side was the city of Bangkok which I am so familiar with. The soaring towers of Sathorn and grand apartment buildings of Sukhumvit. Literally within seconds we were hoisting our bikes out of the boat and into an area that was filled with trees, lagoons, flowers, houses growing out of the ground it seemed and most importantly tranquility. One of the things I truly do not like about Bangkok is the noise pollution. There is hardly a time I do not hear motorcycle's, cars or buses on the street. This was different. Momentarily we were surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil streams. If you look at the pictures, you will also see great flowers growing on the banks of the lagoon. The roadside stands, on the 'main' street sold fruit and water and the kids were great. About every kilometer there were even narrower roads leading to a few houses on each road with the obligatory sleeping, fleabitten dogs in our path. Come to think of it, I should take a shower before I change clothes for dinner.

Josh has arrived and for the first few hours anyway seems to be having a good time. Last night, we took him to a staff party and he may be reconsidering his academic path. Maybe being a chiropractor was not the place to meet beautiful young women. Perhaps teaching fits that bill. He was also measured for a shirt and pants we pick up tomorrow and had a heydey at Chatachuk market. I would ask him what his other highloights are, but he is out taking a massage at the moment so I can't ask .

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