Sunday, January 20, 2008


Week two is now over and I can’t believe the choices I have to make on a daily basis as a principal. Let me give you some examples. Last week, after waiting a few days, I was finally having a serious discussion with the superintendent about timetabling when the secretary runs into my office and tells me a student has just been hurt in the gym. Do I run to the gym and make sure the kid is taken care of properly or do I continue the serious discussion with the superintendent which I had been waiting for for about 3 days? Now that particular choice was easy but they get harder. (In case you are wondering, of course, I ran to the gym since that is probably my most important job, ensuring the safety of the kids.)

I am presently meeting with a student twice a day who is failing everything. Before school to make sure she is on time, on the right track and so on and after school to look at her work for the day. There is a line-up of teachers waiting to see me at the door. I am feeling pressured. Do I spend the time I should with the student, who is the reason we are in teaching or do I give her a superficial “how are you, great work now get out of here” and see the teachers with their concerns? This sort of pressure is constant.

Talking about teachers, this happens constantly. The first teacher comes in and emphatically tells me that what I just did was wrong ( which they never say, by the way, they just suggest politely suggest other ways of doing things) and the next teacher comes in to applaud me for doing the same action. As I said the last time this is quite a conundrum.I know my job is to empower teachers and get them to think about how things should be run themselves, but it is very difficult. I wish I could be specific and give you some real examples, but I know when you write on the Internet anyone, including the teachers at the school may see this at some point so I have to watch carefully what I say. Trust me, these are interesting times.

I also find that from the inside, there is no-one to criticize but myself, God forbid. On the ‘outside’, I used to say either out loud to anyone that would listen or at the very least to myself: “Why did the principal just make that decision? It makes no sense. It is not good for kids, simply the administrative convenience of the school”. Well, guess what? When I consider some decisions we are making now around scheduling and timetable issues for next year, who gets considered last. Probably the students which I know is absolutely backward. The students are the only reason we are there.

It is also very tough knowing that there are no viable solutions for certain problems given the restrictions and circumstances of the school. I could give lots of examples of this and will in e mails.

God knows what week three will bring but I know one thing for sure. I will have to make lots of choices and hopefully will make them based on sound pedagogical decisions, even though this is always tough under pressure.

This week-end we are going to Lotburi to be with the monkeys. Should be fun!

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