Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To retire or work?

I loved being a principal. Hmmm.... Do I want to end my career with a job I loved, or do I want to continue to seek work, make some money and keep my mind occupied?

Yesterday, I resigned my post as principal. I had a disagreement with the owner of the school as to how she was dealing with a student who had stolen some money. Interesting way to end my career, to resign over a bad kid, but I felt it was a matter of principle. I had designed an elegant solution to the problem and she interfered. How strange life is. You work with all kinds of good people and you quit over someone who is clearly troubled.

Can I get used to lying in bed, reading the paper, getting a massage every day, playing golf night or day, seeing the wonderful sights and people of Thailand, or do I want to work? Naturally, my disciplined training went into gear and I already had an interview yesterday afternoon with an employment agency teaching conversational English to high school kids. This job appeals to me a lot because it would be a most fitting end to a teaching career, back in the classroom. On the other hand, I have an interview Sunday for a principal's job, I think for a Thai international school.

There are a few websites around that post jobs for guys like me. I know time is not on my side and if I don't get a job as in right now, I will be playing golf for the rest of my life or setting up my own business. If I choose education, I know I must continue without a break in the action.

This morning, I am thinking I should not even bother looking for a job. Am I crazy? What is wrong with retirement? I know guys my age all go through this continually, but it is my turn now. The one fixed thing is that I am leaving Thailand June 5 for Canada. What happens between now and June 5 is anyone's guess. Perhaps I should go and see a fortune teller like everyone else in Thailand does!

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