Friday, December 12, 2008

My Birthday Walk in the sun

Having a birthday in Bangkok is fantastic, considering all of the ice and snow I have traditionally seen on my birthday. My earliest memory of birthday weather is walking to school with Maidee on December 12 with the wind whipping through my pants and my hands freezing. I couldn’t wait to get inside that warm school.

Yesterday, probably 55 years later I went for a walk with my camera and saw nothing but beautiful flowers, lots of sunshine and people scurrying about in their summer clothes! I still have to pinch myself every time I go out for walk. Not quite like Trudeau’s walk in the snow on February 29 a few years ago.

After my walk along Sukhumvit (you can see the pictures of the flowers and school kids) my friends took me to a Thai nightclub. It was actually fascinating. There were hundreds of tables filled with groups of friends. On the stage, there were a group of dancers, mostly bisexual who were dancing in a very stylized way. I saw the same thing in Vientiane actually, but in Vientiane the couples were up dancing on a dance floor. Here, one listened to the music and then bodies got up everyone around the table and started dancing with their arms rhythmically waving and their bodies seemingly moving with predetermined movement. It was hot, crowed and very Thai. They also sang happy birthday to me in some tune or other I did not recognize.

Now to get back to work on preparing materials for an on line course I teach.

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