Saturday, November 17, 2007

Earning my "Cow Pat"

I have been quite busy the last few days actually doing professional development! Today about 400 teachers met for a conference at the Bangkok Teachers Network. Because I was on the organizing committee, I felt I better do a few workshops, which I did. It was kind of fun and thinking about it, I learned a lot.

First of all, teachers are alike the world over and want to do the best job they can. I was quite impressed with their professional attitude and the way they articulated their goals and dreams. It was also quite a bit of fun to work with teachers from all over the world, even though they all spoke English, thankfully, because my Thai is still not what it should be.( either was theres’) I also learned that no matter the subject, I certainly have a lot to offer all teachers and the facilitation skills to pull it off. For example, in one workshop I had some Taiwanese teachers who taught Chinese language, a senior physics teacher and a kindergarten teacher all in the same workshop and I believe I offered each of them something to take home and think about in my workshop on cooperative learning. I have the ability to think on my feet and give examples from a variety of grades and subjects. Being able to give concrete examples since I have taught so many classes this year was really helpful.

Coming to Thailand and actually teaching ( sort of) has given me a wealth of information about the nature of teaching and learning and frankly, I can’t think of better training for any teacher to have to teach all subjects and at different grade levels. I just wish I could begin my career again knowing what I know now, but don’t we all.

Thursday I did a workshop for the staff of my school and what I learned from this was that both context and physical facilities make all the difference in the world. The last time I gave a workshop on this campus the room was too small, the projector did not work and it was impossible to create groups because of the cramped quarters. This time, there was lots of room and good acoustics and it went swimmingly.

Because I stayed in Bangkok for the workshop today, I have to decide what to do to-night and tomorrow. A bunch of colleagues were going down to the beach but did not want to play golf tomorrow so I declined that offer. I guess it will be back to the guide books and see what I have not seen yet.


walter said...

How come only one picture of Sylvia in your Thailand album?

walter said...

Just wondering...when your caddy goes into the deep rough to find your ball, do you go with?

walter said...

Just figured out you are supposed to click on the picture to open the album. Your off the hook. By the way the pictures of your relatives....they look like monkeys!